Triumph over Fear through Self-Knowledge – Layla’s Experience

The self-knowledge information in the Searching Within Course has been the most important self-development learning I have come across. When I first started looking to learn about myself I never knew that I would have found the answers in spirituality, but since learning about this self-knowledge information it has come to make a lot of sense that it is based in spirituality. I had come to see in my early adult years that the root of the problems I faced in many of my relationships, from partners to friends and family, as well as a feeling of unhappiness, was there in the way I thought and felt towards others and towards life generally. Though I came to see it stemming from within me I didn’t know how or what to do about it in a real way to change it. I had tried certain courses through my university studies to try and discover how to understand my own life, taking up psychology, sociology and even philosophy, but as interesting as they were I came away unfortunately with no better understanding of myself in terms of why I thought and felt the way that I did, and how to be truly [...]