Belsebuub’s Searching Within Course
Searching Within was Belsebuub’s free course on self-knowledge and inner change. First published in 2001 as weekly topics that were downloadable as PDFs, it reached tens of thousands of people and improved many lives with its simple and practical approach to the exploration of spirituality.
People could join the course in one of eighteen cities across four continents where it was offered in person, or sign up for the online version of the course which had participants from dozens of countries across the globe.
Many participants in Belsebuub’s course described the positive impact it had on them. People noted how they were able to break free from harmful emotional states such as anger, anxiety, or depression, see and detach themselves from negative thoughts, achieve better states of awareness and consciousness, improve their relationships and communication with others, and begin to discover a more spiritual way of being in daily life.

Belsebuub wrote the Searching Within course based on decades of his own personal experience.
Course Topics
Belsebuub’s Searching Within course provided a step-by-step approach to understanding one’s own psychology. Participants learned how to observe and study their thoughts, emotions, and behavior in daily life, to gradually overcome negative inner states, and to develop greater peace and happiness. The course included a series of topics and exercises that built progressively upon each other over a nine-week period. This learning structure allowed people to gradually explore the information within their own lives, which Belsebuub states is how self-knowledge is best gained.
People’s Experiences with Belsebuub’s Searching Within Course
Discovering Inner Change Is Possible – Geraldine’s Experience
When I came across Belsebuub’s work back in Autumn 2005, I was at a point in my life where everything had drastically changed. I had just recovered from end of stage cancer, so the question of [...]
The Chance for a Fresh New Start in My Life – Fotis’ Experience
The Searching Within course by Belsebuub came at a significant point in my life, and it helped me to turn a new page and chapter in that period of my life. This was the second course [...]
Searching for the Tools for Inner Change – Michael’s Experience
Trying to Exchange Pleasure for Peace I can’t recall a particular event that made me want to dedicate my life to a spiritual search – it was more of a gradual thing. As a teenager and [...]
Belsebuub’s Printed Searching Within Book
Searching Within is now a printed book by the same name, which was published in 2017. It is based upon the original course released by Belsebuub in 2001. As Belsebuub writes in its preface, the book “explains how by looking within we can learn about ourselves, and acquire the knowledge and wisdom to be able to change for the better.”1
It covers a variety of topics that were in the original course, and includes some questions and answers. Over the course of the book, Belsebuub describes the different components of the psyche, how to experience consciousness, understand inner states, and much more.
He emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge for improving one’s life, the sense of happiness and peace within, relationships, and the whole of society. He also explains how the knowledge of oneself allows someone to understand many of the answers to the big questions of life. As Belsebuub notes, “the search for who we are, for the true nature of reality, and the deeper purpose of existence, is really an inner quest.”2