An Amazing and Priceless Gift – Steve’s Experience
Spiritual Experiences in Childhood Growing up, I had some very interesting experiences that for a long time I could not understand. I remember one time experiencing being very conscious while playing a game with my friends and having a clarity about my perception of watching my friends running around playing, things seemed to occur in slow motion, where I really felt that moment in a much deeper sense as if it was in high definition as I observed the game we were playing. In my late teens an interesting event occurred where I naturally astral projected. It was a short experience but it was intriguing stuff that seemed very mystical and magical; it inspired me greatly to look for a deeper meaning to life. I also had very lucid dreams in the astral around the time of the astral projection where I met people and saw some amazing things. I didn't know what these experiences were back then but those later lucid astral experiences were very inspiring and filled me full of wonder. Developing an Interest in Spirituality Before that I also remember my elder brother and especially his fiancée talking about spirituality, love and even that there was a [...]