The Chance for a Fresh New Start in My Life – Fotis’ Experience
The Searching Within course by Belsebuub came at a significant point in my life, and it helped me to turn a new page and chapter in that period of my life. This was the second course I took by Belsebuub, the first course being on astral travel and dreams. It made sense to me after the first course to continue to learn how the exploration of self-knowledge could help me positively change my psyche and my dreams during sleep, but also because I could tell that this course was setting things in a bigger overall picture where I could approach my daily life from a different perspective. Before the course Up until that point, I had been looking around to attend different spiritual groups and types of spiritual practices and I was getting more and more interested in meditation and experiencing the 'supernatural/spiritual/magic' which is what I imagined all spiritual things to be. But none of the groups or practices I found felt or sounded right to me, and so I did not make a start with any of them. Then I learned that a friend of mine was helping to organize courses written by Belsebuub, and that they were free of charge. [...]